Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How Successful Was the Nazi Regime in Dealing with...

How successful was the Nazi regime in dealing with opposition? Explain your answer. The Nazi regime dealt with opposition through a combination of persuasion and force. Nazi propaganda was so effective at portraying Hitler and the Nazi ideals in a positive light that many German people believed Hitler was a good leader and genuinely supported him. Others were too intimidated by potential consequences if they spoke against the regime that they did nothing. However, there were some who openly opposed Hitler and had to be dealt with. As Hitler came to power his biggest opponents were political ones and were the first opposition group that Hitler began to deal with. After the Enabling Law he banned all other political parties. The†¦show more content†¦However, this does not mean that they fully supported it either. Despite this, there were groups and individuals who did oppose the Nazi regime. Youth movements such as the Edelweiss Pirates, The Swing Youth and The White Rose Movement opposed the Nazi regime, rejected their values and produced anti-Nazi propaganda in defiance. They were more prominent in the later part of the 1930s and into the war years and were dealt with very harshly by the Nazi regime; 12 of the Edelweiss Pirates were hanged publicly whilst leading members of the White Rose Movement were executed. Although the Nazis dealt swiftly and decisively with the opposition of youth groups, the fact that these young people were rejecting the Nazi ideology they had grown up with suggests that the Nazi attempt to remove opposition by encouraging the loyalty of future generations was not as successful as it may have seemed. The regime also faced opposition from Church leaders. The Protestant Church, and particularly Pastor Martin Niemoller, opposed Hitler’s Reich Church whilst members of the Catholic Church were against some of the Nazi’s policies such as the Euthanasia Campaign. The Pope spoke out against Hitler and his ideals. Although some leaders were dealt with harshly – Niemoller was sent to a concentration camp and some Catholic priests were executed – the Nazis did not appear to be so effective in dealing with the Church’s opposition; most remained open even though leadersShow MoreRelatedNazi Germany as a Totalitarian State Essay1473 Words   |  6 PagesNazi Germany as a Totalitarian State Goebbels once said the aim of the Nationalist Socialist Revolution must be a totalitarian state, which will permeate all aspects of public life In reality to put this into practise was a lot more difficult. From the outside, people assume that the Nazis had brainwashed every German citizen during their reign. 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